Covid-19 testing programme

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On behalf of the Coventry & Warwickshire Health & Care Partnership comprising all NHS organisations and local authorities.

The Coventry & Warwickshire Healthcare system is aware of issues affecting the national Covid-19 testing programme which are preventing people with symptoms from getting a test.

Although these issues are out of our control, we are able to provide the following guidance for anyone affected: 

Try requesting a test via the national online testing system at specific times of the day – early morning or after 8pm.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms, self-isolate for 10 days or until you are able to get a test result.

Ensure your household members self-isolate for 14 days until you or they are able to get a test result.

Do not contact your GP or NHS111 as they are unable to assist.

As is being reported in the national media, the current issues within the testing programme are the subject of intense focus and it is hoped that local testing capacity will improve as soon as possible.

To request a test, go to