Coronavirus Update

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As you are aware the Coronavirus is now spreading in the UK. Whilst we sincerely hope that we will not be directly affected we have put some measures into place in the event that we may be. Please read carefully and make sure that you help us prevent the spread of this virus amongst our families an staff.

Firstly: Remember hand washing is best,wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds an use sanitizer when out an about. All our surfaces/door handles an screens are cleaned thoroughly each day.

Secondly: If you or immediate family member have symptoms then they must self-isolate an arrange a test (NHS 111 online can advise more). If tested, the GP practice must have a copy of results!

Do not attend anywhere during testing period.

If a member of your family tests positive you and/or your child must not attend services until advised by medical practitioner (by phone) and after the isolation period.

Finally: We will ensure that we respond, on a daily basis to the advice given by Public Health England and will take recommended actions.

Please stay safe, take sensible precautions and talk to a member of staff if you have any concerns.

If you have any symptoms please contact NHS online 111 immediately.