Patient Information regarding Coronavirus Posted on: 18th March 202016th June 2021 <strong>General NHS advice</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS ( <strong>Pituitary/ adrenal insufficiency (including steroid sick day rules)</strong> Coronavirus advice statement for patients with adrenal/pituitary insufficiency | Society for Endocrinology <strong>Underlying lung disease (British Lung Foundation)</strong> Coronavirus and COVID-19 | British Lung Foundation ( <strong>People with Asthma</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Asthma UK <strong>People with Diabetes</strong> Updates: Coronavirus and diabetes | Diabetes UK <strong>People affected by stroke</strong> Information on coronavirus for stroke survivors | Stroke Association <strong>Pregnant women</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy ( <strong>Children/young people T1 diabetes</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) – information for people living with type 1 diabetes ( <strong>People with Heart/circulatory disease</strong> Coronavirus: for those with heart and circulatory disease | BHF Older people What is Coronavirus? (COVID-19) – symptoms and prevention | Age UK Young people with anxiety What to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus ( Adults with anxiety Coronavirus – looking after your mental wellbeing | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Coronavirus (COVID-19) and rheumatoid arthritis | NRAS People with cancer Advice on Coronavirus for people with cancer | Breast Cancer Now People with inflammatory bowel disease Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for people with Crohn’s and Colitis | Crohn’s & Colitis UK (
<strong>General NHS advice</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS ( <strong>Pituitary/ adrenal insufficiency (including steroid sick day rules)</strong> Coronavirus advice statement for patients with adrenal/pituitary insufficiency | Society for Endocrinology <strong>Underlying lung disease (British Lung Foundation)</strong> Coronavirus and COVID-19 | British Lung Foundation ( <strong>People with Asthma</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Asthma UK <strong>People with Diabetes</strong> Updates: Coronavirus and diabetes | Diabetes UK <strong>People affected by stroke</strong> Information on coronavirus for stroke survivors | Stroke Association <strong>Pregnant women</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy ( <strong>Children/young people T1 diabetes</strong> Coronavirus (COVID-19) – information for people living with type 1 diabetes ( <strong>People with Heart/circulatory disease</strong> Coronavirus: for those with heart and circulatory disease | BHF Older people What is Coronavirus? (COVID-19) – symptoms and prevention | Age UK Young people with anxiety What to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus ( Adults with anxiety Coronavirus – looking after your mental wellbeing | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Coronavirus (COVID-19) and rheumatoid arthritis | NRAS People with cancer Advice on Coronavirus for people with cancer | Breast Cancer Now People with inflammatory bowel disease Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for people with Crohn’s and Colitis | Crohn’s & Colitis UK (