Vision Online
Prescriptions for medication are issued by doctors. We have been a dispensing practice since 2002 to or Warwickshire patients who live more than one straight mile (as the crow flies) from any pharmacy. Prescriptions will either be dispensed whilst you wait or within 48 hours depending upon the availability of stock. Dispensary opening hours are the same as the surgery except where staff absence forces closure. In accordance with the Dispensing Services Quality Scheme, dispensary staff will be carrying out compliance and concordance reviews on dispensing patients.
Patients on “repeat” medication will have to attend regular medication reviews, as agreed with the doctor before further repeats can be issued. Make sure you book your appointment two weeks before your medication runs out. If you fail to book an appointment in time, you could delay access to your medication.
If your condition is stable on your repeat medication, you may be issued with six months’ prescriptions in the form of one authority plus six repeat prescriptions. You need to give ALL the paperwork to the pharmacy of your choice and then collect the medication from that same pharmacy each month. When you are down to three weeks’ medication, make another appointment with a doctor for a medication review and order another six months of prescriptions from the surgery when you have seen the doctor.
For those patients who are issued with monthly prescriptions by the surgery, please order a further month using the computer-generated repeat request form attached to your last prescription. You must allow two working days from ordering the prescription to picking it up.
In addition to this repeat prescriptions are now available to order online. All you need to is complete a patient online access sign up form to allow the practice to issue this service to you. An email will be sent to you for you to then complete the registration process and enable you to request repeat prescriptions via your account.